Vision & Mission

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1) To be a ‘Centre of Excellence’ in medical education, research and healthcare, dedicated to producing compassionate and skilled healthcare professionals and thus contributing to the well fare of the Community
2) Our goal is to train our students to be competent, compassionate, confident and creative doctors to Meet the health care needs of our country


1. To provide quality medical education and training to staff that is in par with the global standards
2. To deliver high quality patient-centered preventive and curative health care with a focus on ensuring to maintain dignity and rights of population
3. To ensure accountable, consultative and transparent management process
4. To foster a culture of innovation, ethics and continuous learning among students and faculty
5. To provide a safe, effective and favorable working environment for all the staff
6. To build an ethos of compassionate and empathetic care and concern among students and faculty Members for patients and their relatives
7. To continuously upgrade and augment health care services
8. Have accountability on all the services provided and have responsive and responsible operational systems