Home > Departments > Radiation Oncology
  • To deliver compassionate ,state of the art care , leveraging expertise and technology to optimize patient out come and contribute to the advancement of radiation oncology through research, education and collaboration .
  1. High quality patient care :

With the higher end cutting edge Radiation techniques we are able to deliver more precise & accurate radiation treatments with minimal side effects and better tumor control .

  1. Research & Innovations :

Conducting Research in oncology at molecular & genetic levels for the development of personalized treatments .

  1. Community Engagement :

To detect the cancer in early stages we are regularly conducting cancer screening camps mainly for Cervical cancer , Breast  cancer & Head Neck cancers and  Creating awareness about cancer symptoms & emphasizing on the importance  of HPV Vaccination.

  1. Education Excellence :

Robust educational & training programmer for post graduates also to gain adequate knowledge about patient care & to improve their skills in delivering radiation treatment .

  1. Professional Development :

Foster a culture of continuous learning & professional  growth among faculty, residents  & staff  staying updated with latest technologies and techniques .

  1. Future Directions :
  • Personalized medicine biomarkers
  • Artificial intelligence integration
  • Site specific oncology care
  • Palliative care

S.NoName of the StaffPhotographQualificationDesignationReg No
1Dr.Swapna JillaDNBProfessor & HOD58467
2Dr.Madisetty AdilakshmiMDProfessorAMC16761
3Dr.Nadendla Beulah ElizabethMDAssistant professorTSMC/FMR/00037
4Dr.Ch SwaroopaDNBSenior ResidentTMN 2014 0000010 KTK
5Dr.Apoorva KulkarniDNBSenior ResidentTSMC/FMR/05982
6Dr.Shiva DivyaDNBSenior ResidentAPMC/FMR/93962
7Dr.Nukasani Mukesh YadavMBBSJunior ResidentAPMC/FMR/111449
8Dr.Bandaru NikhithaMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/16052
9Dr.Vemula Revanth KumarMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/17291