The department of pharmacology contributes to medical education by empowering the students to demonstrate Competencies such as

  • Knowledge about essential and commonly used drugs and an understanding of the pharmacological basis of therapeutics
  • Ability to select and prescribe medicines based on clinical condition and pharmacological properties, efficacy, safety and cost of medicines for common clinical conditions of national importance
  • Knowledge of pharmacovigilance, essential medicine concept and sources of drug information and industry-doctor relationship
  • Ability to counsel patients regarding appropriate use of prescribed drug and drug delivery systems
  • To promote research and innovation among faculty and students.
  • To transform the Department of Pharmacology into a premier Centre of Learning by employing innovative teaching-learning methods, actively pursuing cutting-edge research, fostering inter-disciplinary collaborations to produce competent graduates and post-graduates who are well trained for diverse careers in academia, research, clinical practice and pharmaceutical industry
  • To empower students with the knowledge and skills imparted through competency based curriculum with a greater emphasis on interactive lectures, and skill based learning highlighting evidence based medicine, critical thinking, and ethical considerations in therapeutics
  • Create an inclusive and collaborative learning environment where students can also pursue research to thrive professionally throughstrong mentorship which leads to their holistic development of students byexploring diverse careers in health care
  • To conduct and participate in continuing medical education programs, guest lectures and workshops to stay updated with the latest developments in the field of pharmacology and therapeutics
  • Effectively contribute to other key domains like pharmacovigilance, Scientific Review Committee, Institutional Ethics Committee, Animal Ethics Committee etc.



S.NoName of the StaffPhotographQualificationDesignationReg No
1Dr.Padmavathi VutukuruMDProfessor & HOD39671
2Dr.Vibha RaniMDProfessorAPMC/FMR/88178
3Dr.Saritha MMDProfessor50637
4Dr.Sudhakar KodudulaMDProfessor61750
5Dr K Sandeep KumarMDProfessor
6Dr.Yakaiah VangooriMsc, Ph.DAssociate Professor-
7Dr.Veena BMDAssistant Professor64072
8Dr.Syed Tazeem FathimaMsc, Ph.DAssistant Professor-
9Dr.Sai Kumar GowlikarMDAssistant Professor69468
10Mr T SudheendraMscAssistant Professor-
11Dr.Aanchal JalanMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/14580
12Dr.Shreya LalMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/19790
13Dr.Srilekha AareMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/11552
14Dr.Keerthi ThumuMBBSTutorTSMC/PMR/21181
15Dr.Vinay Kumar Reddy GorlaMBBSTutorAPMC/FMR/112826
16Dr.A NagarajuMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/13746
17Dr. K BhoopalMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/05355
18Dr. Kancha PriyankaMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/23223
19Dr. Maraboina MallikarjunMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/19312
20Dr. Alle Anil KumarMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/20487
21Dr. A SudeepthiMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/14440
22Dr.D Srinivas NaiduMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/12893