The Forensic Medicine Department plays a crucial role in the intersection of medicine and law. It is dedicated to the application of medical knowledge to assist in the investigation of crimes, legal cases, and unexplained deaths. The department is essential in providing scientific evidence that aids in the administration of justice.

Key Functions

1.Autopsy and Postmortem Examinations

2.Clinical Forensic Medicine

3.Toxicological Analysis

4.Injury Analysis

5.Age Estimation

6.DNA and Serological Studies

  • Undertake Medicolegal responsbilities by providing the technically competent medico-legal experts to the society made the nation a crime free and happier place with a peaceful socity to live in.

To empower students with the knowledge and skills imparted through competency based curriculum:

  • Identify, examine and prepare report, certificate in medico-legal case in accordance with the Law.
  • Perform medico-legal postmortem examination and interpret the findings and results of other relevant investigations.
  • Be conversent with medical ethics, etiquette, duties.
  • Be aware of relevant legal court procedures applicalble to medicolegal practice.
  • To aware the contemparary advances and developments in the field of Forensic Medicine.
  • Postgraduate student should be able
    1. To identify medico-legal problems
    2. Undertake medico-legal responsibilities and discharge medico-legal duties.
    3. Become expert in Forensic Medicine.


S.NoName of the StaffPhotographQualificationDesignationReg No
1Dr.Bharathi Rama RaoMDProfessor & HODHMC-10331
2Dr.Makireddy Narayan ReddyMDProfessor9966
3Dr.B R Chandra HasiniMDProfessor10183
4Dr.J AmmaniMDProfessorHMC11487
5Dr . M V SathvikaMBBSTutorAPMC/FMR/116857
6Dr.K Sri CharanMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/24449
7Dr.B Vamshi KrishnaMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/28313
8Dr . Ramisetty Venkata TejaMBBSTutor132066
9Dr. Naga Lakshmi BollikondaMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/01083

10Dr. Pillari AnushaMBBSTutorAPMC/FMR/117431
11Dr. Dadala Swapna MadhuriMBBSTutorAPMC/FMR/132751
12Dr Sk Zaheer HussainMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/31268
13Dr Sri N BullirajuMBBSTutorAPMC/PMR/82759