Citizen Charter

General Information

Malla Reddy medical College for Women and Associated Malla Reddy Narayana Multi Specialty Hospital are located in Surarm, Hyderabad, 20 KM from major Railway Stations of the city and it is well connected by buses from different parts of the city.

Working Hours:
The College works from 9 A.M to 5 P.M on all working days. The hospital works round the
clock with all emergency services.

Visiting Hours:
• Principal Office Visiting Hours: 9AM to 4PM (Monday to Saturday)
No Smoking, No Alcohol:
• The entire College and Hospital campus is a NO SMOKING AND NO ALCOHOL area.
Information & Enquiries:


Office: 040-64583333
Mobile:+ 91 8019991106
Email: [email protected]


Phone:  040-22152215
Mobile No.  87903-87903
Email:  [email protected]