• The vision of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology is to be a leading center of excellence in ear, nose, throat, head and neck care. We aim to advance the field through innovative research, superior patient care, and exemplary education, fostering a culture of compassion, collaboration with other allied departments and continuous improvement.
  • High-Quality Patient Care:

   - Provide comprehensive and compassionate care using state-of-the-art techniques and technologies for patients with ENT conditions. 

  • Educational Excellence:

   - Deliver robust education and training programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students, ensuring they gain the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the field of otorhinolaryngology,  Head and Neck surgery.

  • Research and Innovation:

   - Conduct cutting-edge research to advance the understanding and treatment of ENT disorders, focusing on improving patient outcomes and quality of life.

  • Community Engagement:

   - Engage with the community to raise awareness about ENT health, providing outreach services and addressing the healthcare needs of needy  populations.  

  • Professional Development:

   - Foster a culture of continuous learning and professional growth among faculty, residents, and staff, promoting collaboration, innovation, and excellence in all aspects of otorhinolaryngology.


S.NoName of the StaffPhotographQualificationDesignationReg No
1Dr.S Rama KrishnaMS,DLOProfessor & HOD9418
2Dr.Shalini Singh SMSProfessorAPMC/FMR/94033
3Dr.Vinnakota Sri PrakashMSProfessor43030
4Dr.I SandeepMSProfessor64090
5Dr.Baddam Rachana ReddyDNBAssociate Professor63531
6Dr.Manthena Ravi KiranMSAssistant ProfessorTSMC/FMR/07173
7Dr.Badavath DivyarekhaMSAssistant ProfessorAPMC/FMR/87282
8Dr.Ayyappa Swamya AMSAssistant Professor66385
9Dr.B.VaniDNBSenior Resident2018/10/5052
10Dr.Konda SahithiMSSenior ResidentAPMC/FMR/109517
11Dr. M Akhila RajenderMSSenior Resident69549
12Dr.Pannati AparnaMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/06525
13Dr.Gaddala Divya SpoorthiMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/04946
14Dr.Deepika VantaramMBBSJunior ResidentTSMC/FMR/27062
15Dr.Medepalli AlexanderMBBSJunior ResidentAPMC/FMR/113130